
“Though I left the country when I was relatively young, the continual indoctrination that girls simply “can’t” still echoes in my mind.”


Mehregan Pezeshki is an Iranian-American multidisciplinary artist based in the United State who concentrates mostly on photography and performance art. Her artwork is often autobiographical, unraveling the traumatic memories of her youth while growing up as a free-spirited young girl in the socially restrictive Islamic Republic of Iran.

Pezeshki uses photography to uncover hidden behavior, privacy and deeply rooted traditions, which affect our daily lives. She asks us to consider the ramifications of our innermost desires and invites the audience to rethink how they interact with others. She employs an unconventional angle that challenges the viewer to step out of their comfort zone and observe human behaviors from a new perspective.

Recently, she graduated with an MFA from California Institutes Of The Arts. Pezeshki holds a Bachelor of Arts in Historical Conservation and Preservation from the Cultural Heritage University of Tehran and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Texas at Austin.